Portfolio | Bookmarks

Dillion Verma

Dillion Verma

dillion.ioSoftware Engineer turned Entrepreneur. I love building things and helping people. Very active on Twitter.


github.comContribute to poteboy/poteboy development by creating an account on GitHub.
Phan Nhật Chánh

Phan Nhật Chánh

phannhatchanh.comMột người đam mê máy tính và thế giới web, tôi hâm mộ Google, Facebook cũng như mọi website mang lại lợi ích và kết nối mọi người.
Digital Inspiration - Tech Tips, Tutorials & How-to Guides

Digital Inspiration - Tech Tips, Tutorials & How-to Guides

labnol.orgTech, a la carte
Brian Ruiz

Brian Ruiz

b-r.ioHouston-based Software Engineer and a Content Creator, sharing insights on well-designed products and technology advancements.


delba.devWhat I'm learning about shipping great products, becoming a better developer, and growing a career in tech.
Arunava Ghosh

Arunava Ghosh

arnvgh.me19yo Software Engineer, India


ouorz.comLiving an absolutely not meaningless life with totally not unachievable goals.
Bayu Setiawan | Personal Website

Bayu Setiawan | Personal Website

codebayu.comPersonal website, portfolio, blog, software engineer roadmap, programming tips of Code Bayu
Diego C. Silva

Diego C. Silva

dcdev.mePersonal website
Josh W Comeau

Josh W Comeau

joshwcomeau.comFriendly tutorials for developers. Focus on React, CSS, Animation, and more!


enscribe.devFreelance frontend web development and cybersecurity shenanigans
Guillermo Rauch's blog

Guillermo Rauch's blog

rauchg.comGuillermo Rauch is the CEO and founder of Vercel, a software engineer, and the creator of Next.js, Mongoose, Socket.io and other open source libraries.
Ephraim Duncan

Ephraim Duncan

duncan.land✨ My personal website and portfolio.
Onur Şuyalçınkaya

Onur Şuyalçınkaya

onur.devSoftware Engineer, DJ, writer, and minimalist, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands